Vision & Ethos
Who We Are. What We Do.
We believe in entitlement for all. All pupils and students of Collingwood should be allowed to explore and celebrate their talents; they should be stretched and challenged; and should be prepared for the next stages of their lives.
Collingwood works on the principles of victory, heroism and humanity.
Through an environment of trust and respect we want pupils to be courageous, bold, creative and curious. We want to celebrate individual uniqueness and give pupils the courage to progress or adapt to changing situations.
Our Core Values
- Heroism
- Victory
- Humanity
We are striving for outstanding teaching practice providing stretch and challenge whilst looking at each child holistically and personalising the learning to meet their needs.
We will provide pupils with a range of opportunities through our curriculum strands including outdoor learning, therapeutic intervention, creative arts and enterprise.
We want to create a sense of community at Collingwood and develop a confidence and enthusiasm for learning with an outlook on life that will help our young people to succeed in whatever they choose to do.
Our aims:
- To create a strong sense of community where all people work together and respect each other.
- To create an environment of entitlement for all
- To create a culture of continuous improvement where we all have high expectations so that our school will make a difference.
We will:
- Treat all young people equally
- Provide pupils with unconditional positive regard
- Identify and develop the skills and talents of our young people
- Help our young people to develop moral values and respect for other cultures, races, religions and ways of life.
- Utilise outdoor learning opportunities wherever possible in order to raise awareness of our environment
- Provide a comfortable and safe learning environment
- Invest in staff development to enhance our professional competence in order to benefit our pupils
- Develop a friendly, creative, courageous atmosphere.
Our core values support this vision
SEN Policy
We are committed to providing high quality education. We believe that all children have the entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is accessible to them. We want our pupils and students to be fully included in all aspects of school life.
We have created a community and a sense of belonging within our school. We offer new opportunities to learners who may have experienced difficulties in the past and we respond in ways which take account of their varied life experiences and needs.
A copy of the complete SEN policy is available from the school office upon request.