Collingwood Partners

Collingwood School and Media Arts College works with a wide range of external providers to support and enhance the educational experience of our young people. If you would be interested in becoming a partner we would love to hear from you. Simply complete the form.

Some of our Partners

NUFC Foundation Northumberland Zoo Mortal Fools Jessie’s Fund Active Solutions Clark’s Bog Little Movers Local Universities Little Big Butterfly St Aidan’s Parish Community Police Active Northumberland Bike 4 Health Alnwick Garden Autism Northumberland Hepscot Horticulture Belsay Hall and Gardens Craig Heap Tumble Gymnastics Nordoff Robbins  (To name but a few…)

Alnwick Volunteers Video

The short video here is one of a commissioned series created by our students for our good friends and partners at the Alnwick Garden. The project is a great example of how our partners can present real-world briefs and opportunities which allow us to challenge and stretch our young people.