Sixth Form Facilities

Our Sixth form has access to a range of unique teaching spaces.

Fuse Media Podcast Studio
Collingwood Recording Studio
Fuse Media Centre

Since September 2020 our Sixth Form students have been based at Fuse Media Centre in Prudhoe. Fuse Media Centre was built in 2011 and is a multi use facility with a dance studio, radio station, sound recording studio, cinema, community cafe and STEM room. Our students will be developing their digital and media skills at Fuse Media Centre.

The facility is perfect for employability and enterprise opportunities. Our students will be able to develop their social and independent skills whilst learning about business and the world of work. 

Finally our students have access to a dedicated space at Collingwood where they can socialise with their peers and engage with specialist teachers to progress their academic learning. 

Stomping Grounds

Stomping Grounds is a Forest School Provision located in Dukes Hagg Wood, Prudhoe. 

Students access the facilities on a weekly basis. At Stomping Grounds, they  work in all aspects of Forest School education, led by specialist staff from the provision. The Forest School activities will also help in developing students’ resilience, team building, communication and social interaction.


  • Collingwood
    Students travel to Collingwood Main Site to access our specialist Creative Arts Hub and have a specialist music curriculum led by our specialist teacher – Mr Thompson
  • The Glasshouse
    Students travel to The Glasshouse (formerly known as The Sage) in

Gateshead to participate in performance collaboration, led by one of the staff team from The Glasshouse. This practice culminates in performances at certain points in the year at the venue.


Sixth Form students access the specialist sports facilities at Prudhoe Community High School. Here they access the multi-gym, sports hall and outside 4G MUGA. Here they are working towards their NCFE Occupational Studies Qualification.

ITV/Signpost Productions

Led by one of the ITV Team, students access this initiative to learn and gain extensive knowledge about all aspects of creating and producing a news item. The Team come to The Fuse and deliver the sessions, however, every 4 weeks the students visit the studios for tours, meetings and to have a go at various elements of different roles.

NUFC Foundation @ NUCastle

Led by the NUFC Foundation coaches, our students participate in various  ASDAN courses. Courses are delivered at The Fuse, however, our students have the opportunity to periodically spend mornings at the NUCastle facilities at the end of every half term.