ICT and Computing
ICT/Computing is delivered following the National Curriculum and prepares our pupils rapidly changing advancements in the world of modern computing.
Pupils are taught vital areas in the computing, which are ‘Computing Science’, ‘Information Technology’ & ‘Digital Literacy’. Pupils will learn skills such as writing/debugging computer programs and algorithms; constructing flowcharts to control systems; researching, analysing and presenting information; staying safe online and on mobile devices. Pupils also use skills taught across the curriculum, further develop their numeracy, literacy and communication skills.
Based on their suitability, pupils are entered for an exciting range of qualifications. These include WJEC Entry Pathways (Entry Level 1, Entry Level 2,
Entry Level 3 or Level 1); OCR Entry Level Computing Science; OCR GCSE Computing Science.
An overview of the ICT and Computing Curriculum can be viewed here.
ICT and Computing Curriculum Overview
ICT and Computing Curriculum Topics
Computing in Primary
Pupils study a range of topics in line with the national curriculum such as:
Online Safety
Computer Skills – Word processing, using and applying
Computer Art – Drawing and DTP
Internet Research – Communication and Presentation skills
Programming BeeBots and Robots
Programming with Scratch, Game Development.
ICT and Computing in Year 7
In year 7 the learners discover how to use the school network appropriately, this is linked heavily to e-safety. This builds in time for teacher-led discussions on why appropriate usage is important, as well as allowing for opportunities to highlight online safety issues.
We introduce our learners to the wonderful world of spreadsheets and the concept of cell referencing. We ask them to collect, analyse, and manipulate data, before turning it into graphs and charts. We look at computer networks and we imagine a world without them: there would be no more YouTube, Google, instant messaging, online video gaming, Netflix, and iTunes; no online shopping; no file sharing; and no central backups of information.
We begin by defining a network and addressing the benefits of networking, before covering how data is transmitted across networks using protocols. We move onto Programming with Scratch. The aim is to build learners’ confidence and knowledge of the key programming constructs. The main programming concepts covered in this unit are sequencing, variables and selection. We build upon the learners’ understanding of the control structures’ sequence, selection, and iteration (the big three), and develop their problem-solving skills.
In the Summer term our learners will develop a deeper understanding of information technology and digital literacy by using their skills across to create a blog post about a real world cause that they are passionate about and would like to gain support for.
ICT and Computing in Year 8
In year 8 the learners take a tour through the different layers of computing systems: from programs and the operating system, to the physical components that store and execute these programs, to the fundamental binary building blocks that these components consist of. We explore the building blocks of the World Wide Web, HTML, and CSS, learners will investigate how websites are catalogued and organised for effective retrieval using search engines. We then introduce learners to the basics of text-based programming with Python.
The lessons form a journey that starts with simple programs involving input and output. During the next unit of work we use vector graphics to design anything from logos and icons to posters to board games and complex illustrations. Through this unit, students can better understand the processes involved in creating such graphics and will be provided with the knowledge and tools to create their own. In the first half of the summer term we take learners through the entire process of creating their own mobile app, using App Lab from code.org.
Building on the programming concepts learners used in previous units, they will work in pairs to perform user research and design their app. During the last half term we introduce binary digits as the symbols computers use to perform tasks and focus we on the representation of text and numbers.
ICT and Computing in Year 9
In year 9 the learners go on a journey of discovery of techniques that cybercriminals use to steal data, disrupt systems, and infiltrate networks. The learners will start by considering the value their data holds and what organisations might use it for. They will then learn about social engineering and other common cybercrimes, and finally look at methods to protect against these attacks.
Next learners will be introduced to data science, and by the end of this unit they will be empowered by knowing how to use data to investigate problems and make changes to the world around them. In the spring term we look at Animation. In this animation unit learners will discover how professionals create 3D animations using the industry-standard software package, Blender. By completing this unit learners will gain a greater understanding of how this important creative field is used to make the media products that we consume.
We then spend some time looking at physical computing, this unit applies and enhances the learners’ programming skills in a new engaging context using the BBC micro:bit or the Raspberry Pi. In the summer term we begin by looking at Python Programming with sequences of data. This unit introduces learners to how data can be represented and processed in sequences, such as lists and strings. The lessons cover a spectrum of operations on sequences of data, that range from accessing an individual element to manipulating the entire sequence.
We finish the year by focusing on making digital media such as images and sound. We discover how media is stored as binary code. We will draw on familiar examples which will help learners to understand how the underlying principles of digital representations are applied in real settings.
ICT and Computing in Year 10
In Year 10 our pupils take one of two paths. They either access the WJEC Entry Pathways for Information Technology or the GCSE Computer Science.
In the WJEC Entry Pathways sessions the pupils will work towards either an Entry Level 1, Entry Level 2, Entry Level 3 or Level 1 qualification.
The level will be decided as the course progresses and we evaluate the coursework that has been completed by the pupils. The units that the pupils will cover throughout the year are IT User Fundamentals, Improving Productivity and Presentation Software. .
If the Pupils are going down the GCSE route they will spend this year working on the following components: systems architecture, memory, storage, networks, security, software, ethical concerns, legal concerns, cultural concerns, environmental concerns, algorithms and programming techniques, producing robust programs and computational logic.
All pupils are taught a series of bespoke online safety lessons during the first half term of the school year. Key messages about staying safe online are also embedded throughout the curriculum all year round.
ICT and Computing in Year 11
In Year 11 our pupils continue down the path that they began in Year 10. They either access the WJEC Entry Pathways for Information Technology or the GCSE Computer Science.
In the WJEC Entry Pathways sessions the pupils will work towards either an Entry Level 1, Entry Level 2, Entry Level 3 or Level 1 qualification. The level will be decided as the course progresses and we evaluate the coursework that has been completed by the pupils. The units that the pupils will cover throughout the year are Spreadsheet Software and Word Processing Software. Followed by IT and the World of Work. l.
If the Pupils are going down the GCSE route they will spend this year working on the following components: Computational thinking, translators and facilities of languages and data representation. The pupils will also carry out revision and exam preparation to ensure that they are fully prepared for the exams.
All pupils are taught a series of bespoke online safety lessons during the first half term of the school year. Key messages about staying safe online are also embedded throughout the curriculum all year round.