School Lunches

School meals are provided by our catering supplier, Dolce.

As far as possible, all school meals served will meet the School Food standards to ensure that pupils are getting a nutritious balanced meal. Water or milk will be served with all meals and pupils will be encouraged to drink water throughout the day. There is the option of a hot or cold meal, plus salad, fruit and puddings. Please let the school know about any allergies or if your child is vegetarian.

Healthy lunchboxes – If your child is having a packed lunch please try to make it a healthy and nutritious meal.

Taste buddies – At break times pupils have the opportunity to purchase a range of snacks.

Water provision – Children are encouraged to drink water at all times. Pupils and staff have access to free, clean and palatable drinking water. Staff are aware of individual pupils’ hydration needs and ensure that these are met. Please send your child to school with a named bottle of water for them to drink from throughout the day

Example Menu

Click the button below to view an example menu from Dolce. All menus are nutritionally analysed to make sure they are compliant with the School Food Standards.