Science is delivered following the National Curriculum and pupils are taught are the three separate sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), using the White Rose Science schemes of work across Key Stages 1-3. Pupils learn key areas of study within each science include light, sound, separating mixtures, acids and alkalis, the human body and evolution, plants, animals,forces and the outside world. At Collingwood our objective is for all students to leave with an accreditation, which is why we offer a range of science qualifications at Key stage 4, including GCSE Biology, ASDAN Science and Entry Level Science.
In Science, a cross curricular method to the subject is implemented by integrating and developing their knowledge and understanding of Literacy, numeracy and ICT skills. There are regular opportunities for discussions, role plays and practical activities. Science at Collingwood is all about making the students aware of the world they live in,preparing them for that world, and where possible practical activities as well as outdoor activities will encourage the students to broaden their understanding.
Curriculum Overviews
Science Curriculum Topics
Science in Primary
In Key Stage 1 pupils learn about The human body, seasonal changes, materials, Planting, Animals and Caring for the Planet.
In Key Stage 2 pupils learn about Animals’ needs for survival, Materialism, Plastics, Plants, Living things and their habitats, Light & Dark and Growing up.
Science in Year 7, 8 & 9
In the Autumn term the students are learning about health and safety in the lab, learning to name new pieces of science equipment and how to use them. We also study Forces , Space and Global warming..
In the spring term students will be learning all about Properties of materials, Animals including humans and Life Cycles.
In Summer we will be learning all about Reproduction, Reversible and Irreversible changes and plastic pollution.
Throughout the year we will continue to develop our scientific skills. Such as data collection, investigation, fair tests, observations, accurate measurements and gathering and recording information.
Science in Year 10B, 10G, 11B & 11G
In Science this academic year they will be working towards an ASDAN qualification in Science. This is very much a hands-on practical course which is 100% students work. We will be studying from the topics Human Machine, Space, and Chemical Change.
Science in Year 10/11P
In GCSE Biology this academic year we will be studying Homeostasis and response, Inheritance, variation and Evolution as well as Ecology.
Year 11 students will be preparing for their GCSE Examinations which take place in May & June.